Industry-Grade AI
for Oil & Gas

Disrupt your industry with AI

Impact of AI

Our Engineering Operations With
Industry-Grade AI Solutions

Reinforce Robustness

Reinforce Robustness

Maximize Production Yield

Maximize Production Yield

Advanced Analytical Capabilities

Advanced Analytical Capabilities

Tailored AI Application for Unique needs

Tailored AI Application for Unique needs

TTSWe Deliver High Quality Industrial AI Solutions through the use of
Optimal Hardware, Software and AI Algorithms.
AI in the Modern Field Environment
AI in the modern field environment
Our AI Portfolio
Blogs on AI
The Fourth Industrial Revolution

Since the 19th century, the world has enjoyed three industrial revolutions, starting by big machinery and engines (1st), then electricity (2nd), followed by electronics & computers (3rd) and ...

Adaptability and your Set-point under Corona

In any industrial process, setting a set-point higher than it’s process capability will cause what we call, as engineers, “control wind up” or process starvation. This will lead to an unhealthy process. We should, therefore, reduce the process set-point to more achievable ones. This will result in a stable and productive process...

The Virtual Society and the Global Person

Today, we live literally in “social network societies”, the platform for the virtual world. What does this bring with it?...



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